Sorry guys, busy cleaning my tiny place (someone else's) for pesach. its nice though, I get to pretend i have someone very special :) with me and it is my own home. my family has in essence said that they will not support me, but my dad walked up to me before i left and handed me (along with some one documents i needed from his safe) a gold coin he had bought when i was born. he said "for when you realize what a big mistake this was" the worth of the coin now is about $1,000. He was saving it for the future but gave it to me now "in case my plan falls through". Its nice to know that they are still there, of course now i can never sell it as a point of pride (being that he will ask constanty whether or not ive sold it yet, and this being a moniker of my being wrong and him being right) but it is nice to have some backup. anyway i buy my ticket tomorrow (G-d willing) can't wait to be back in yeshiva! more news to follow! maybe pictures from rocky horror!
How do you pretend you have someone special with you? Do you talk to the broom? :)
naw, its best just to imagine it. pretending the broom is her just becomes inapropriate.
Nice. HEY if you're in Morrisstown... I have a cousin in Kollel there...
Cool! should we be friends? i about to get used?
Yeah why not!
How would you get used? I barely talk to him and his wife...
oh, it just sounded like you were making links like "if i have a cousin there, and your there then..." I don't know what ... would have been but, I guess im just paranoid :D
besides for occasional gusts of mushy gunk, you come across as incredibly brave. good luck!
thanks I'll need it. and I suppose my blogging could be called worse things :p
j: no, if she pretends a broom is you then there's problems...
le7: How would he be used?
j: Oh, my hero, so incredibly brave... what a hunk :p
wow, I hope you don't run into her anytime soon or your going to be asking for the a license plate number. I lead such a harrowing life! and like a broom could replace me?
for the license plate number? huh?
I don't know? Could it?
the license plate of the truck that hit you, and no it couldn't.
so what you're saying is that cheerio will hit me with a pick up truck? is this a threat?
that's good to hear :)
is it a threat? youll have to ask the driver. you had any doubts about me?
I don't think she'd be able to see over the dashboard anyway.
Well, one or two minor ones.
duh, phonebooks. and there is nothing minor about me except my faults. and maybe my writing abilites. also probably my study habits...perhaps also my typing skills...rats.
Or as my fourth grade teacher would say, "sugar pops".
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