Monday, August 30, 2010

New York


New York Is so interesting. One of the pieces of this blanket statement that has been somewhere on my mind recently is the way people view and interact with other from different groups (races, religions). It seems that one of the byproducts of a city of a zillion people going a zillion miles a minute is the "necessity" stereotypes. It has become wildly apparent that most people here run completely off of stereotypes. In fact, it appears to be the only thing that has transcended the racial/cultural divide.this is not my big gripe about New york, nor is it something that is "the problem with this place", It just seems that while most people (all?) are aware of stereotypes, everyone flagrantly and deliberately runs all interactions and notions of others through stereotypes. It's like some impenetrable force field that insures nobody ever has to waste their time actually looking at someone because they already know who they are and where they came from. The best part is, because everyone works from this set of preconceived notions about one another, no one seems to mind at all. in fact it saves them the time from having to make a friend or an enemy, or neither.


Just like a guy said...

e said...

You sound just like a southern hick BT.

e said...


Sebastion said...

There's an interesting combination, an southern Hick, BT, Pinko-Commie. Well I be done seen bout everything when I'd see....